website leaked real-time location of most US cell phones to almost anyone know, privacy, surveillance, technology
the cutting edge science that can turn everyday objects like a bag of chips into a listening device 1984, ai, apocalypse, dystopia, privacy, surveillance, technology
machine vision algorithm learns to judge people by their faces 1984, ai, dystopia, privacy, surveillance, technology
a mobile terminal for guerrilla communications hack, hope, privacy, Protect, technology, tool A Mobile Terminal for Guerrilla Communications
if you want facebook to stop targeting you for ads follow these instructions facebook, hack, privacy, Protect, surveillance, tool
this interview was conducted on an anonymous, diy cell phone network hack, hope, privacy, Protect, technology, tool
how to keep your ISP’s nose out of your browser history with encrypted DNS know, privacy, Protect, surveillance, tool
moscow billboard targets ads based on the car youre driving dystopia, privacy, technology
facebook doesnt need listen through your microphone serve you creepy ads 1984, facebook, know, privacy, surveillance
suspect caught in china at music concert after being detected by facial recognition technology ai, dystopia, privacy, surveillance, technology