doorbell-camera firm Ring has partnered with 400 police forces, extending surveillance concerns 1984, amazon, data, dystopia, hopelessness, know, monopoly, privacy, surveillance, technology
facebook workers listened to messenger conversations 1984, app, data, ethic, facebook, know, privacy
use this privacy tool to view and clear your ‘off-facebook activity’ data facebook, know, privacy, tool
researchers find google play store apps were actually government malware 1984, app, google, hopelessness, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
google “machine learning fairness” whistleblower goes public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul” 1984, ai, bias, dystopia, google, hopelessness, know, privacy, surveillance, technology Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”
marketing company scraped millions of users’ data from instagram 1984, app, data, fail, hack, know, leak, privacy, technology
data leak exposes unchangeable biometric data of over 1 million people 1984, data, fail, health, leak, privacy
google and facebook’s tracking software is widely used on porn sites, shows new study data, ethic, facebook, google, privacy, surveillance
viral app hit faceapp, which makes users look old, has privacy concerns app, data, fail, privacy
google photos is making your photos semi-public and you probably don’t realise data, fail, google, know, privacy