amazon workers may be watching your cloud cam home footage 1984, amazon, dystopia, ethic, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
machine vision has learned to use radio waves to see through walls and in darkness 1984, know, privacy, surveillance, technology, weapon
alicem: the origins of the french digital identity 1984, data, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
‘nerd,’ ‘nonsmoker,’ ‘wrongdoer’: how might A.I. label you? 1984, ai, bias, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, human guinea pig, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
facebook acquires neural interface startup CTRL-Labs for its mind-reading wristband 1984, ai, facebook, human guinea pig, privacy, psychology, surveillance, technology
facebook suspends tens of thousands of apps in ongoing privacy investigation app, ethic, facebook, fail, privacy
millions of americans’ medical images and data are available on the internet. anyone can take a peek. 1984, data, fail, health, medical, privacy
this trippy t-shirt makes you invisible to AI 1984, ai, hack, hope, know, privacy, surveillance, tool
google has my dead grandpa’s data and he never used the internet 1984, data, google, hopelessness, know, privacy, surveillance
chinese border guards put secret surveillance app on tourists’ phones 1984, app, know, privacy, surveillance, technology