less than half of google searches now result in a click 1984, dystopia, google, hopelessness, know, psychology, technology Less than Half of Google Searches Now Result in a Click
researchers find google play store apps were actually government malware 1984, app, google, hopelessness, know, privacy, surveillance, technology https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/43z93g/hackers-hid-android-malware-in-google-play-store-exodus-esurv?utm_source=mbfb
google “machine learning fairness” whistleblower goes public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul” 1984, ai, bias, dystopia, google, hopelessness, know, privacy, surveillance, technology Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”
how social media shapes our identity 1984, bias, dystopia, ethic, facebook, human guinea pig, know, psychology, technology https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/how-social-media-shapes-our-identity?verso=true
the machine always wins: what drives our addiction to social media 1984, bias, dystopia, facebook, health, human guinea pig, know, psychology, technology https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/aug/23/social-media-addiction-gambling
Deepfakes 2.0: the sequel is even scarierd 1984, ai, deepfake, dystopia, ethic, fakenews, know, technology https://www.shellypalmer.com/2019/08/deepfakes-2-0-sequel-even-scarier/?sfns=mo
why reCAPTCHA is actually an act of human torture 1984, ai, data, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, human guinea pig, know, psychology, technology https://thenextweb.com/syndication/2019/08/23/why-recaptcha-is-actually-an-act-of-human-torture/
marketing company scraped millions of users’ data from instagram 1984, app, data, fail, hack, know, leak, privacy, technology https://blog.gab.com/2019/08/22/marketing-company-scraped-millions-of-users-data-from-instagram/
hackers can figure out passwords just from the sound of typing hack, know, sound https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/cyber-security-passwords-hackers-a9070411.html?utm_source=reddit.com
america’s diy phone farmers 1984, dystopia, hopelessness, know https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/d3naek/how-to-make-a-phone-farm?__twitter_impression=true