goldman sachs and amazon may soon be in the banking business 1%, 1984, amazon, blockchain, control, hopelessness, monopoly
us colleges are trying to install location tracking apps on students’ phones 1984, app, data, dystopia, hopelessness, privacy, surveillance
insiders say a palantir exec claimed profitability and compared project maven to the nuclear bomb in january all-hands 1%, 1984, dystopia, hopelessness, privacy, surveillance, technology, war
german privacy watchdog opens investigation into clothing retailer H&M apocalypse, deliveroo, ethic, hopelessness, privacy, surveillance
while microsoft was making its climate pledge, it was sponsoring an oil conference 1%, earth, ethic, hopelessness, know, microsoft
privacy campaigners warn of UK facial recognition ‘epidemic’ 1984, data, dystopia, hopelessness, privacy, surveillance, technology
phones that can read your mind 1984, apocalypse, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, marketing, psychology, technology
avast’s free antivirus harvests all your clicks, sells them to third-parties 1984, data, dystopia, genius, hopelessness, piracy, privacy, surveillance, technology Avast’s Free Antivirus Harvests All Your Clicks, Sells Them to Third-Parties
this weird-looking pigeon is actually a drone that flies with real feathers 1984, apocalypse, dystopia, hopelessness, privacy, robot, spy, surveillance, technology
robot tanks: on patrol but not allowed to shoot 1984, ai, dystopia, hopelessness, robot, surveillance, T1000, technology, war, weapon