privacy campaigners warn of UK facial recognition ‘epidemic’ 1984, data, dystopia, hopelessness, privacy, surveillance, technology
facial recognition tech used by UK police is making a ton of mistakes 1984, ai, data, dystopia, fail, hope, privacy, surveillance, technology
fresh cambridge analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’ 1984, data, dystopia, ethic, leak, piracy, privacy, surveillance
avast’s free antivirus harvests all your clicks, sells them to third-parties 1984, data, dystopia, genius, hopelessness, piracy, privacy, surveillance, technology Avast’s Free Antivirus Harvests All Your Clicks, Sells Them to Third-Parties
the secretive company that might end privacy as we know it 1984, control, data, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, privacy, surveillance
google chrome proposes ‘privacy sandbox’ to reform advertising evils 1984, data, google, hopelessness, know, marketing, monopoly, privacy, technology
ad-tech company criteo crashes to 52-week-low after google said it will stop supporting third-party cookies in chrome advertising, data, google, surveillance, technology
stalker attacks japanese pop singer – after tracking her down using reflection in her eyes data, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
fresh cambridge analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’ 1984, data, dystopia, gafam, hopelessness, know, politic, privacy, technology