a fake amazon dating app that ‘sells’ people at various price points is going viral 1984, advertising, amazon, bias, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, human guinea pig, psychology https://www.insider.com/fake-amazon-dating-app-sells-people-at-various-price-points-2020-2?amp
goldman sachs and amazon may soon be in the banking business 1%, 1984, amazon, blockchain, control, hopelessness, monopoly https://qz.com/1796096/goldman-sachs-is-becoming-an-ally-for-tech-firms-like-amazon/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=qz-organic
jeff bezos hack: amazon boss’s phone ‘hacked by Saudi crown prince’ 1%, 1984, amazon, hack, piracy, politic, privacy, technology, wtf https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jan/21/amazon-boss-jeff-bezoss-phone-hacked-by-saudi-crown-prince
amazon reportedly wants to turn your hand into a credit card 1984, amazon, dystopia, hopelessness, monopoly, technology https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/18/amazon-reportedly-wants-to-turn-your-hand-into-a-credit-card.html
amazon’s new rationale for working with big oil: saving the planet amazon, apocalypse, earth, hopelessness https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/v74epj/amazons-new-rationale-for-working-with-big-oil-saving-the-planet
meet america’s newest military giant: amazon 1984, amazon, hopelessness, know, monopoly, politic, technology, war https://www.technologyreview.com/s/614487/meet-americas-newest-military-giant-amazon/
introducing echo frames 1984, amazon, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, know, marketing, privacy, surveillance, technology https://www.amazon.com/Echo-Frames/dp/B01G62GWS4
family puts ring camera in children’s room, discovers that hacker is watching their kids 24/7, taunting them through the speaker 1984, amazon, data, dystopia, ethic, know, privacy, surveillance, technology Family puts Ring camera in children’s room, discovers that hacker is watching their kids 24/7, taunting them through the speaker
we tested ring’s security. it’s awful amazon, data, fail, hack, know, privacy, technology https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/epg4xm/amazon-ring-camera-security