google fires four workers, including staffer tied to protest 1984, ethic, google, hopelessness, know, surveillance
these hugely popular local news sites in the us and canada are fake 1984, fakenews, hopelessness, know, marketing, psychology, technology
somehow facebook’s facial recognition was even creepier than we thought 1984, ai, dystopia, ethic, facebook, hopelessness, know, privacy, technology
how the iranian government shut off the internet 1984, censorship, know, politic
police robot told woman to go away after she tried to report crime – then sang a song 1984, ai, bias, ethic, fail, technology Police robot told woman to go away after she tried to report crime – then sang a song
amazon’s AI rewrites ‘millions’ of alexa user commands to reduce defects by 30% 1984, ai, amazon, know, privacy, sound, surveillance, technology Amazon’s AI rewrites ‘millions’ of Alexa user commands to reduce defects by 30%
ring video doorbells get 15+ million dings this halloween and capture cute costumes and fun pranks 1984, amazon, data, know, privacy, surveillance, technology Ring Video Doorbells Get 15+ Million Dings This Halloween and Capture Cute Costumes and Fun Pranks
facebook is testing a face detection tool to verify your identity 1984, data, dystopia, facebook, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
AI used for first time in job interviews in uk to find best applicants 1984, ai, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, know, technology