instagram will finally fact-check posts 1984, censorship, know, technology
machine politics the rise of the internet and a new age of authoritarianism 1984, data, ethic, hopelessness, know, politic, privacy, surveillance, technology Machine Politics
musenet, a deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments 1984, ai, dystopia, know, music, sound, technology
google’s AI can now translate your speech while keeping your voice 1984, ai, dystopia, ethic, google, hopelessness, know, privacy, sound, technology
china uses DNA to Map faces, with help from the west 1984, dystopia, ethic, gafam, hopelessness, know, politic, technology
the peeping tom effect makes us worry about the wrong threats to our privacy 1984, dystopia, ethic, know, privacy, surveillance, technology
russian cows get VR headsets ‘to reduce anxiety’ 1984, deepfake, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, know, technology, wtf
the great white robot god – artificial general intelligence and white supremacy 1984, ai, bias, dystopia, ethic, hopelessness, know, psychology, technology
MIT system helps predict people’s driving personalities 1984, ai, know, technology